Family matters! We first learn to give and receive love within our families.
Our family members are our closest neighbors and moments of great bonding and great pain can happen within this unit. In the context of our families, our personalities emerge, we develop our beliefs and values, and establish meaning about life.
You might be worried about how your family is going to make it through a difficult time. Or maybe you’ve gotten to the other side of something difficult and there is a need to repair what’s been broken. When you’re in the middle of the issue, it’s hard for you to see it… but for the therapist, who’s on the outside looking in, we get to see the beauty, the pain, and the path to change.
We love working with families in therapy! This type of therapy often looks different from week to week. One week it might just be the parents in the session and the following week could be all the children. Other weeks it could be one parent with one child. We’ve had sessions with both parents, biological children, in-laws, and grandchildren! With family therapy, everyone is welcome in the room!
The way Wellspring as a practice does family therapy may be different than what you’ve previously experienced or expected. We want you to be informed about the way we address family therapy at Wellspring by reading our “Family Therapy Manifesto“.
Because families are unique and the way your family experiences issues is unique, what your family needs is also (you guessed it) unique! Your therapist will work with you and your family members to ensure that each person in the family unit is heard and will work with your family to create a plan that moves you towards your goals.